Fourth of July weekend at the Jersey Shore is the absolute best weekend of the summer, and this year I had the wonderful opportunity to plan the marina’s annual cocktail party on that fabulous weekend!
The Docktails Party at our marina this year was amazing. It gave us all something to look forward to, a chance to reconnect and show off our boats, and most importantly make staple memories of the Boat Season 2017.
A cocktail party is defined as a social gathering, often held during the cocktail hour, at which cocktails and other alcoholic beverages, hors d'oeuvres, and appetizers are served. When the location of said party is held at a marina, it now becomes defined as a (d)ocktail party, a party you don’t want to miss.
This was a very laid back event, and there wasn’t too much to be done as far as planning. But it’s important to document how our marina is such a huge part of our life, and how it plays a role of why we’re in the business we’re in here at GKYS. One of the reasons Golden Knot Yacht Services even exists can stem from our love of boats, being on the water, and sharing our experiences with everyone who can visit us at the Jersey Shore. Especially 4th of July weekend!
When you have a boat with a cabin to sleep at night, your vessel becomes a weekend getaway. You’re surrounded with fellow boaters multiple days at a time every single week during the season. You might find yourself chatting first thing in the morning, right before you take a boat cruise, right after the boat cruise, right before dinner, after dinner, during big 3 day holiday weekends, the list goes on. Some eat and grill together. Some bring guests and family every week, and some will always be accompanied with a pup or dog. Boat dogs of course are the best dogs. When the weekend comes to a close Sunday evening, it’s not ‘goodbye,’ it’s ‘see you next weekend.’
Because of this different form of, let’s say ‘living together,’ a party held bringing a marina family together takes on a whole new meaning.
We started to promote the event 3 weeks prior to the big day, with professional graphic design.
Party promotion |
For the boaters who signed up to be a docktails station, we made DIY burgees to show participation in a creative way. Any excuse to make crafts is an excuse I jump on! The burgees were made with blue foam sheets, ribbon, dowels, glitter glue, foam glue, and silver sharpies from AC Moore. They were measured 5” for the straight edge, and 6” for the 2 sides.
First, we punched 2 holes to fit the wooden dowels
Using the foam glue, we cut a piece of the thin ribbon for one edge
Repeated the same step on the 2nd edge
And finally the 3rd edge.
Used silver Sharpie to write the details
And finished these mini flags with glitter paint.
The dowels were then inserted into the 2 holes made in the beginning.
Finished product! The heavy material of the foam stays in place and doesn’t slide down the dowel.
I used a picture of the DIY burgees as my 2nd piece of promotional content the week of the party, and posted a reminder post on the marina Facebook page.
Boat Preparation
This party gave me extra motivation to oil our teak floors located in the head of our boat. Thankfully we have Flexiteek on the external floors and this is the only type of oil work I need to maintain.
I brushed the teak oil on one side, waited 30 minutes, brushed on a second coat, let it dry for 15 more minutes, and repeated this process on the other half. Once both sides were painted with the oil, I let the teak dry for 10 hours. Although the boards had a sticky feel to the touch even after the drying was complete, there was no transfer.
Before teak oil
After teak oil
Luckily the only teak we need to sustain!
The Big Day
Although the forecast called for thunderstorms, the hot summer temperatures kept everyone optimistic for the party. Even though the storm finally rolled through towards the middle of the event, the rainbow appearing shortly after the storm passed made that temporary interruption worth it!
One boat set up a fondue and rib station!
Another boat offered fantastic cupcakes. We utilized our dock boxes for tables!
Pina colada Rum Chata station!
The looming storm didn’t slow anyone down!
Bringing people together!
Decorations like this we’re excellent enhancements for the party!
While the yacht events we plan are typically larger and more complex, it’s parties like this one that contribute to the tremendous passion we have for all things nautical, and why we only plan events on yachts in the first place. Tell me about your own marina events, and the best ones you’ve experienced in the comment section below!
Gabrielle Goldklank is the Co-founder of Golden Knot Yacht Services, a private yacht event planner for weddings, corporate events, and special occasions in NYC, NJ, Philadelphia, and DC. Golden Knot Yacht Services also offers luxury boat excursions at the Jersey Shore during the summer season. Don’t just float through life, catch some waves.
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